17.12.2014: Violent Intermediaries - African Soldiers in German East Africa, Berlin

17.12.2014: Violent Intermediaries - African Soldiers in German East Africa, Berlin
 The Deutsches Historisches Museum and the Initiative Southern Africa (INISA e.V.) cordially invite you to:

Discussion and Book Launch:
Author: Michelle R. Moyd (Ohio University Press)
Wednesday, 17 December 2014, 18.00 - 19.30 Auditorium, Deutsches Historisches Museum
Unter den Linden 2, 10117 Berlin
Dr. Michelle R. Moyd (History Department, Indiana University, USA)
Prof. Andreas Eckert (Chair African History, Humboldt University Berlin)
Chair: Eva Range (Initiative Southern Africa, INISA e.V.)

The discussion will be in English. No registration necessary. Entrance is free.
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16829 Hits

02.12.2014: West Africa and the Drugs Trade, Berlin

02.12.2014: West Africa and the Drugs Trade, Berlin


The Initiative Southern Africa (INISA) and the Society for International Development (SID-Berlin) cordially
invite you in cooperation with the Afrikahaus:

West Africa and the Drugs Trade: Health Crisis, Narco-States or Moral Panic?
Tuesday, 02 December 2014, 18:00 – 19:30
Afrika-Haus Berlin, Bochumer Str. 25, 10555 Berlin (U-Bahn: Turmstr.)
Dr. Gernot Klantschnig (University of York, Co-Editor of Drugs in Africa: Histories and Ethnographies of Use, Trade and Control, Palgrave 2014)  
Dr. Judith Vorrath (German Institute for International and Security Affairs, SWP)
Chair: Frank Gries (Initiative Southern Africa, INISA e.V.)
  12940 Hits
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12940 Hits

19.11.2014: Zambia - Building Prosperity from Resource Wealth

19.11.2014: Zambia - Building Prosperity from Resource Wealth
The Initiative Southern Africa (INISA) and the Society for International Development (SID-Berlin) cordially invite you in cooperation with the Afrikahaus:

Book Launch:
Zambia: Building Prosperity from Resource Wealth
Edited by: Christopher Adam*, Paul Collier* and Michael Gondwe**
Oxford University Press, published September 2014
* Oxford University, UK / ** Governor, Bank of Zambia
Wednesday, 19 November 2014, 18:00 – 19:30
Afrika-Haus Berlin, Bochumer Str. 25, 10555 Berlin (U-Bahn: Turmstr.)
Prof. Christopher Adam (Professor of Development Economics, University of Oxford and Lead Academic, International Growth Center-Tanzania)
Discussant: Prof. Theo Rauch (Free University of Berlin)
Chair: Rene Gradwohl (Initiative Southern Africa, INISA e.V.)
The discussion will be in English. No registration necessary

This book – the second in the Africa: Policies for Prosperity series edited by Christopher Adam and Paul Collier – consists of a set of rigorous but accessible essays by a range of Zambian and international scholars that seek to examine the challenges and opportunities that currently face Zambian policymakers as they seek to harness the country’s valuable natural assets – land and copper - to broad-based and sustainable economic growth over the coming decades. Zambia’s history and economy is intimately entwined with the copper mining industry: much of the book is therefore concerned with the complex interaction between the management of natural resource wealth and the development of a labour intensive growth strategy relevant to a land-locked economy. 
The book spans a wide range of topics, Professor Adam’s presentation will focus mainly on the economics of the copper sector and the implications this has for the broad contours of an inclusive growth strategy for Zambia over the coming decades.
We are looking forward to an interesting debate!
Best regards
Rene Gradwohl
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13732 Hits

15.10.2014: Soziale Bewegungen in Afrika, Berlin

15.10.2014: Soziale Bewegungen in Afrika, Berlin


Liebe Afrikainteressierte,

hiermit laden wir Sie sehr herzlich zum nächsten Berliner Afrikakreis der Initiative Südliches Afrika (INISA) und der Society for International Development (SID-Berlin) in Kooperation mit dem Berliner Afrikahaus ein:  

Global, lokal, vernetzt - Soziale Bewegungen in Afrika


Mittwoch, 15. Oktober 2014, 19:00 - 20:45 Uhr
Afrikahaus,  Bochumer Straße 25, 10555 Berlin (U-Bahn Turmstraße)  


Bettina Engels  (Freie Universität Berlin)
Melanie Müller  (Zentrum Technik und Gesellschaft, TU Berlin)
Frauke Banse  (Universität Kassel)  

Moderation:        Christian Arndt (Society for International Development, SID-Berlin)  

Die Veranstaltung findet auf Deutsch statt, eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.  

Einladung: 2014-10-15-INISA-AK-Soziale-Bewegungen-in-Afrika.pdf

  13029 Hits
13029 Hits

15.09.2014: Does Culture Matter? Berlin

15.09.2014: Does Culture Matter? Berlin
The Initiative Southern Africa (INISA) and the Society for International Development (SID-Berlin) cordially invite you in cooperation with the Afrikahaus:
Does Culture matter? - Culture and Development in Africa
Monday, 15 September 2014, 18:00 – 20:00
Afrika-Haus Berlin, Bochumer Str. 25, 10555 Berlin (U-Bahn: Turmstr.)
Christiaan De Beukelaer  (School of Media and Communication, University of Leeds)
Dr. Kocra Lossina Assoua  (Executive Director, Farafina Institute)
H.E. Christine Nkulikiyinka  (Ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda to Germany, Berlin)
Chair: Dr. Konrad Melchers (Editor in Chief ret., Entwicklungspolitik)
The discussion will be in English. No registration necessary.
  12189 Hits
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12189 Hits

27.06.2014: Southern Africa – 20 Years after the End of Apartheid, Berlin

27.06.2014: Southern Africa – 20 Years after the End of Apartheid, Berlin

Liebe Afrikainteressierte,

das Bildungswerk Berlin der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung lädt Sie in Zusammenarbeit mit der Initiative Südliches Afrika (INISA e.V.) herzlich zu folgender Veranstaltung ein:

Southern Africa – 20 Years after the End of Apartheid


Freitag, 27. Juni 2014, 18:00 Uhr, Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte
Greifswalder Str. 4 10405 Berlin, Robert-Havemann-Saal

Referent: Prof. Roger Southall, Head of the Department of Sociology, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

Diskutanten: Prof. Ulf Engel, Institut für Afrikanistik, Universität Leipzig

Moderation: Rene Gradwohl, Initiative Südliches Afrika, INISA e.V.

Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt. Teilnahme frei.

Einladung: 14-06-27-v-2-INISA-HBS-PostApartheid-Sdliches-Afrika-Berlin.pdf

Anmeldung unter: global@bildungswerk-boell.de

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10054 Hits

13.05.2014: Book Launch: Africa’s Peacemakers: Nobel Peace Laureates of African Descent, Berlin

13.05.2014: Book Launch: Africa’s Peacemakers: Nobel Peace Laureates of African Descent, Berlin

The Initiative Southern Africa (INISA) and the Society for International Development (SIDBerlin) cordially invite you in cooperation with the Afrikahaus:

Book Launch: Africa’s Peacemakers: Nobel Peace Laureates of African Descent

Tuesday, 13 May 2014, 18:00 – 19:30 Afrika-Haus Berlin
Bochumer Str. 25, 10555 Berlin (U-Bahn: Turmstr.)

Speaker: Dr. Adekeye Adebajo (Executive Director of the Centre for Conflict Resolution, Cape Town)
Discussant: Prof. Winrich Kühne (Steven Muller Professor, Johns Hopkins University SAIS Bologna Center)

Chair: Dr. Konrad Melchers (Editor in Chief ret., Entwicklungspolitik)

The discussion will be in English. No registration necessary.

Invitation: Invitation_-Afrikakreis_BookLaunch_Africa-s-Peacemakers_13052014.pdf

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10573 Hits

08.04.2014: Afrika - Europa - Deutschland: Quo Vadis Migrationspolitik? Berlin

08.04.2014: Afrika - Europa - Deutschland: Quo Vadis Migrationspolitik? Berlin

Liebe Afrikainteressierte,

hiermit laden wir Sie sehr herzlich zum nächsten Berliner Afrikakreis der Initiative Südliches Afrika (INISA) und der Society for International Development (SID-Berlin) in Kooperation mit dem Berliner Afrikahaus ein:

Afrika - Europa - Deutschland: Quo Vadis Migrationspolitik?

Dienstag, 08. April 2014, 19:30 -21.00 Uhr Afrika-Haus Berlin
Bochumer Straße 25, 10555 Berlin (U-Bahn Turmstraße)


  • Dr. Karamba Diaby (SPD-Bundestagsabgeordneter)
  • Mekonnen Mesghena (Referent Migration and Diversity, Heinrich-Böll- Stiftung)

Moderation: Dr. Konrad Melchers (ehem. Chefredakteur „Entwicklungspolitik“)

Die Veranstaltung findet auf Deutsch statt, eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.

Einladung: INISA-BAK-Migration-08-04-2014-neue-version_20150130-071126_1.pdf

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10140 Hits

18.03.2014: Sub-Saharan Africa after the HIPC Initiative, Berlin

18.03.2014: Sub-Saharan Africa after the HIPC Initiative, Berlin
The Initiative Southern Africa (INISA) and the Society for International Development (SID-Berlin) cordially invite you in cooperation with the Afrikahaus to the next Berliner Afrikakreis:

Financing Economic Development - Sub-Saharan Africa after the HIPC Initiative

Tuesday, 18. March 2014, 18:00 – 19:30
Afrika-Haus Berlin, Bochumer Str. 25, 10555 Berlin (U-Bahn: Turmstr.)
Dr Collins Magalasi   (Director, The African Forum and Network on Debt and Development, AFRODAD, Harare)  
Prof Dr Robert Kappel   (President Emeritus and Senior Research Fellow, German Institute of Global and Area Studies, GIGA, Hamburg)
Chair: Dr Konrad Melchers (Editor in Chief, Entwicklungspolitik)
The discussion will be in English. No registration necessary.
  12310 Hits
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12310 Hits

11.03.2014: Book Presentation and Discussion: Ben Ramalingam's "AID ON THE EDGE OF CHAOS", Berlin

11.03.2014: Book Presentation and Discussion: Ben Ramalingam's "AID ON THE EDGE OF CHAOS", Berlin

Initiative Südliches Afrika (INISA) e.V., Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and Hertie School of Governance cordially invite you to:

Book Presentation and Discussion: Ben Ramalingam's "AID ON THE EDGE OF CHAOS"

Tuesday 11.03.2014, 18:15 Uhr, Hertie School of Governance
Friedrichstraße 180, 10117 Berlin

Speaker: Ben Ramalingam (Independent Researcher, Overseas Development Institute)

Heiner Janus, Researcher, Bi- and Multilateral Development Cooperation, German Developement
Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)

Markus Jachtenfuchs, Professor of European and Global Governance, PhD Director, Hertie School

Please note that registration is necessary. See invitation for further details:

  10164 Hits
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10164 Hits

05.03.2014: Tourism in Sub-Saharan Africa – Panacea for economic development? Berlin

05.03.2014: Tourism in Sub-Saharan Africa – Panacea for economic development? Berlin

The Initiative Southern Africa (INISA) and the Society for International Development (SID Berlin) cordially invite you in cooperation with the Global Engagement Institute (GEI) and the Afrikahaus to the next Berliner Afrikakreis:

Tourism in Sub-Saharan Africa – Panacea for economic development?


Wednesday, 05. March 2014, 18:00 – 19:30 Afrika-Haus Berlin
Bochumer Str. 25, 10555 Berlin (U-Bahn: Turmstr.)


  • Carmen Nibigira (Director, Burundi National Tourism Office, Bujumbura)
  • Keira Powers (Managing Director, The Spirit of Africa, Cape Town)

Chair: Rene Gradwohl (Initiative Südliches Afrika, INISA e.V.)

The discussion will be in English. No registration necessary.

Invitation: INISA-2014-03-05-BAK-Tourism-in-Africa_20150130-131336_1.pdf

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10848 Hits

24.02.2014: Aktuelle Herausforderungen der UN-Mission MONUSCO

24.02.2014: Aktuelle Herausforderungen der UN-Mission MONUSCO
Liebe Afrikainteressierte,
die Initiative Südliches Afrika (INISA) lädt gemeinsam mit der Deutschen Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen (DGVN) zu einem Themenabend ein:
Fortschritte im Kongo-Konflikt: Aktuelle Herausforderungen der UN-Mission MONUSCO
Montag, 24. Februar 2014, 18:30 - 20:00 Uhr, Vertretung des Landes Niedersachsen beim Bund 
In den Ministergärten 10, 10117 Berlin

Referent:  Martin Kobler, Sonderbeauftragter des UN-Generalsekretärs für die DR Kongo und Leiter der MONUSCO
Moderation: Andreas Baumert (Vorsitzender Initiative Südliches Afrika, INISA e. V.)
Diskutant: Dominic Johnson (Auslandsredakteur der TAZ, angefragt)
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14624 Hits

27.01.2014: Nigeria – There was a country, Berlin

27.01.2014: Nigeria – There was a country, Berlin


The Initiative Southern Africa (INISA) and the Society for International Development (SID-Berlin) cordially invite you in cooperation with the Afrikahaus to the next Berliner Afrikakreis:
Nigeria – There was a country
Monday, 27. January 2014, 18:00 – 20:00 Uhr
Afrika-Haus Berlin, Bochumer Str. 25, 10555 Berlin (U-Bahn: Turmstr.)                            
Thomas Mösch   (Head of Hausa Service, Deutsche Welle)  
Japheth Omojuwa   (Editor of AfricanLiberty.org, Nigeria)
Dr. Peter Ay   (Rural Development and Local Governance Consultant)
Chair: Christian Arndt (Society for International Development, SID-Berlin)
The discussion will be in English. No registration necessary.
  11833 Hits
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11833 Hits

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