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27.01.2014: Nigeria – There was a country, Berlin

27.01.2014: Nigeria – There was a country, Berlin


The Initiative Southern Africa (INISA) and the Society for International Development (SID-Berlin) cordially invite you in cooperation with the Afrikahaus to the next Berliner Afrikakreis:
Nigeria – There was a country
Monday, 27. January 2014, 18:00 – 20:00 Uhr
Afrika-Haus Berlin, Bochumer Str. 25, 10555 Berlin (U-Bahn: Turmstr.)                            
Thomas Mösch   (Head of Hausa Service, Deutsche Welle)  
Japheth Omojuwa   (Editor of, Nigeria)
Dr. Peter Ay   (Rural Development and Local Governance Consultant)
Chair: Christian Arndt (Society for International Development, SID-Berlin)
The discussion will be in English. No registration necessary.
Since independence Nigeria has been portrayed as the great hope and potential for Africa´s future development. Ever since, these hopes have been bitterly disappointed. Ethnic and religious fragmentation, civil war, and corruption have eroded the fabric of society. The current political leadership crises - ahead of the 2015 presidential elections - moves Nigeria ever closer to state failure.
Referring (in the title) to Chinua Achebe´s literary masterpiece, we want to discuss Nigeria´s political, economic and social problems and try to understand what has to change if the country ever wants to overcome them and live up to its potential.
We are looking forward to an interesting debate!
Best regards
Rene Gradwohl
Initiative Südliches Afrika
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