Grußwort von INISA Stipendiat 2017 Keletso Moruane: "INISA SAVED MY LIFE"

Grußwort von INISA Stipendiat 2017 Keletso Moruane: "INISA SAVED MY LIFE"

I had sent countless emails and applications to every organization that I found on the internet. By this time I had registered more modules than I had during the first semester. The workload was almost unbearable and I had very little time to study as I was now working two jobs to cover my accommodation, and to top it all off I could not afford the needed study material for the 2nd semester. Every chance got, I would spend in the library. The struggle to maintain balance between working and studying led me to discontinue one of my modules.

  12089 Hits
12089 Hits

Grußwort unserer INISA-Stipendiatin 2017 Lilly George Tushiya

Grußwort unserer INISA-Stipendiatin 2017 Lilly George Tushiya

Without INISA willing to support,students such as myself would be unable to pursue medical school.

Growing up in a less privileged community has not only offered financial and a ccademic challenges, but has also helped me realize the value of collage education. Your scholarship will help me earn credentialsin medical school,which requires special training and coursework .My passion for medicine is matched only by love for social health problems,my decision to study medical school comes from the heart.

Without a doubt this grant will will pray a key role in achieving my educational dreams. Because of your generosity, the financial burden placed on me to pursue my education will be reduced. That mean I can spend more time on my studies extra curricular activities and less time worrying about my finances.

Once again, thank you for the vote of confidence and INISA. I am commuted to my education and to the health care field and one step closer to becoming a doctor.Thanks to your continued generosity and INISA STUDENT GRANT 2017. Sincerely

Lily George

  8550 Hits
8550 Hits

Announcement: INISA Student Grant 2017 application process closed

Announcement: INISA Student Grant 2017 application process closed

The grant is open to students of all subjects, but particularly we encourage applications by science, engineering, economics and medical students. Should the grant be awarded to more than one student the maximum amount will be split equally. INISA requires the student to provide proof of tuition related expenses with a fees account record, as the grant amount covers a percentage of these expenses and needs to be calculated on that basis before any payment is possible. The grant will be paid directly into the student’s fees account at the University. INISA requires the student to provide two reports on the progress of his/her studies in the year s/he is awarded the grant.

  12329 Hits
12329 Hits

Ernennung der aktuellen INISA Stipendiaten 2016

Ernennung der aktuellen INISA Stipendiaten 2016

Die diesjährigen INISA Stipendiaten heißen Nontumekelelo Magwa und Elphas Toringep. Beide studieren an der University of Cape Town. Wir wollen Nontumekelelo und Elphas helfen, auf ihrem Weg weiter zu gehen und einen Beitrag zur Zukunft des südlichen Afrikas zu leisten. Diese Unterstützung ist dringend nötig: Studiengebühren von etwa 25.000 Rand im Studienjahr bilden für viele talentierte junge Afrikanerinnen und Afrikaner eine kaum überwindbare Hürde.

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10469 Hits

INISA Stipendiat 2005: Fred Memela

INISA Stipendiat 2005: Fred Memela

In diesem Jahr fördert die INISA Fred Memela von der University of the Witwatersrand („Wits“) in Johannesburg. Fred wurde am 9. April 1985 in Ladysmith in der Provinz KwaZulu Natal geboren. Nach dem Tod seines Vaters im Jahr 2001 lebt er mit seiner Mutter und drei Brüdern Jabulani, Bonginkosi and Musawenkosi im Township EZakheni Sektion E, welches außerhalb von Ladysmith liegt. Zum Studium ist Fred nach Johannesburg gezogen und lebt dort zeitweilig in einem Studentenwohnheim.

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11275 Hits

INISA Stipendiat 2008: Thulani Fakude

INISA Stipendiat 2008: Thulani Fakude

Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde des südlichen Afrika

jedes Jahr erhalten wir mehr Bewerbungen von Studierenden, denen die Fortsetzung des Studiums ohne diese finanzielle Unterstützung oftmals nicht möglich wäre. Akademische Leistungen sind dabei für uns nicht das zentrale Kriterium. Wir möchten Studierende aus dem südlichen Afrika fördern, denen persönlicher Erfolg und gesellschaftliches Engagement gleichermaßen wichtig sind.

  11142 Hits
11142 Hits

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