11.05.2015: Between TTIP and EPAs – What Future for African trade and development? Berlin

11.05.2015: Between TTIP and EPAs – What Future for African trade and development? Berlin


The Initiative Southern Africa (INISA) and the Society for International Development (SID-Berlin) cordially invite you in cooperation with the Afrikahaus:

Between TTIP and EPAs – What Future for African trade and development?
Monday, 11 May 2015, 19:00 – 20:30

Afrika-Haus Berlin, Bochumer Str. 25, 10555 Berlin (U-Bahn: Turmstr.)


  • Prof Francis A. S. T. Matambalya (Head of Research, International Small Enterprise Promotion and Training (SEPT) Program, University of Leipzig)
  • Judith Helfmann-Hundack (Head of Foreign Trade & Development Policy, German-African Business Association) 
  • David Hachfeld (Policy Advisor Economy and Globalization, Oxfam Germany)

Chair: Mareike Brandt (Initiative Südliches Afrika, INISA e.V.)

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African regional economic communities continue to negotiate Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with the European Union although the EU imposed deadline of October 2014 has expired and non-least-developed African countries have since lost their preferential access to European markets. African states also find themselves subject to potential consequences of the TTIP negotiations between the United States and the EU.

What risks and what opportunities would a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) carry for African economies? Does TTIP undermine the global effort of the Sustainable Development Goals process, as critics argue, or does it on the contrary offer new growth and investment opportunities for the African continent within an expanding global economy? Where do African countries currently stay in their economic relations with Europe and what future prospects exist? The discussion will be in English. No registration necessary.

We are looking forward to an interesting debate!

Best regards

Prof. Dr. Peter Waller

René Gradwohl

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